1. Complain
Nobody wants to be with somebody that complains constantly. You should be able to talk to the person you?re in a relationship with about things that are troubling you, whether it?s family issues or something work-related, but try to avoid doing it constantly. Express your concerns to your partner honestly, but don?t drag the conversation out or dwell on negative parts of your life.
Photo credit: www.flickr.com/photos/karrah_kobus/
2. Break Your Promises
You already know that you shouldn?t break promises to anyone ? your parents probably taught you that when you were just a little kid. But when you?re in a relationship it can be easy to become complacent and forget about small promises you made. No matter how small the promise, your significant other is likely to notice. Even if they don?t say anything they may start to view you in a different light over time if you break your promises regularly ? eve when you?re always prepared to say sorry.
3. Lie About Your Ability to Commit
Both men and women often complain about partners that said they wanted a serious relationship when in fact they weren?t ready, whether they were hung up on an ex, caught up in their work or simply emotionally unavailable. Let your partner know if you aren?t ready for a serious relationship. If you aren?t sure how ready you are, let them know that too. The key is to be honest so you don?t hurt your partner or yourself. Don?t avoid the ?commitment talk? just because you?re afraid you may want something different than your partner.
4. Change Your Opinions?
Being yourself is an important part of a relationship, but many people tend to try to change their opinions to somewhat match those of their partner. That?s not good for building healthy relationships, and over time, you may start to resent your partner, feeling like you needed to change in order for them to like you. While common ground is good in a relationship, you don?t have to agree on everything.
5. Be Unresponsive
Communication is key in relationships, and being unresponsive with your partner is something you need to avoid, even if you aren?t comfortable talking about your feelings or a certain topic. If you aren?t comfortable, explain why, or push yourself to connect with the other person. You also need to be responsive about your partner?s complaints regarding you and your relationship if he or she has any. If your partner wants you to change something and you?re willing, communicate with them about how you?ll change, and vice versa. If you aren?t willing to change your behavior, you need to tell them that too.
Source: http://blog.readyflowers.com/things-avoid-relationship-500.html
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